Archive for December, 2009

December 31, 2009

Congratulations BWC!

by Creative Bleed

Entry Way, Because We Can

Local OAKLAND, CA based design firm, BECAUSE WE CAN, beats international competitors BURT HILL and HOK in onstage design competition.

Jeffrey McGrew, Founder of BECAUSE WE CAN, LLC, a small design-build studio in Oakland CA, won the annual “DESIGN SLAM” competition held at Autodesk University, Las Vegas in December.

Jeffrey has been invited to be a speaker at the conference for the past four years, but this year his company was selected to compete in the DESIGN SLAM, an event run by CUT&PASTE at the conference. Two other firms were also selected, Burt Hill and HOK, both multinational firms numbering into the hundreds of employees. One representative from each company was chosen to participate. The contestants were given a design problem, and had to create their solution live on stage in twenty minutes using AutoDesk’s Architectural software: REVIT. Think of it like an ‘Iron Chef’ for Architects!

Their entires and final presentations were then judged by a panel of industry design experts, including individuals from companies like KlingStubbins, N. Grimshaw architects, and the Ford Motor Company.

…and at the end of the twenty minutes, Jeffrey McGrew was declared the winner representing BECAUSE WE CAN, LLC.

BECAUSE WE CAN is a design – build studio with a focus on sustainably created commercial interiors and furniture. Under the brand 10MilesWide, they also produce breathtaking building designs for commercial and residential use.

You can see photos, descriptions and video about the design slam here:

December 21, 2009


by Creative Bleed

The worst in advertising 2009

Can’t believe no one has done this sooner, but finally an award for the worst of the worst, shitty advertising. The Tracy awards, named not after the crappie town I spent my youth in (which would seem highly appropriate) but after it’s founder Tracy Crowell of Crowell Advertising in Salt Lake City, UT. The First Annual Tracy Awards included awards such as Best reckless waste of expensive talent, which went to Oreo’s ” Double Stuff Racing League,” Best use of cross-promotion to single-handedly destroy comedy forever, which went to Microsoft’s “Family Guy/Windows 7,” Best use of a dead horse to beat another dead horse while jumping the shark which went to Coors Light’s “Post-Game Coach Interviews” and my favorite Best cavalier perversion of the English language in a PSA which went to Utah Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities “Don’t ‘dis’ ability” Billboard. Although I am sure the state had a budget, there is no excuse for such perversion and horrific design. However, the Tracy Awards left one very important award out, the award for Best use of an old fart trying to sell homogenized condiments to sandwiching eating hipsters who will not tone it down [Miracle Whip, We will not tone it down]. To see the full awards list check it out at The Tracys K

December 14, 2009

Barcode Revolution

by Creative Bleed

Why hasn’t anyone done this sooner…redesign the barcode! It’s a classic example of assuming something has to remain untouched because changing it would create chaos. Leave it to a Japanese design firm, Design Barcode, Inc, to push the boundaries and explore creative freedom by changing the barcode and starting a revolution. Although they have been doing this for years, I have yet to see or notice one on packaging here in the States, but apparently, they are all over Japan.

December 7, 2009

Fontastic Finds

by Creative Bleed

Combining two beautiful things type with desserts!  Sweet Treats: A Typographical Cookbook by Woodward Design of Alberta, Canada is not only a great self-promo piece but a must for type junkies.

Word Up, we could all use a little more bling and a lot more swash, new t-shirt by Veer.

Inspired by a Paris flea market find this Alpha Table from Crate & Barrel is made of sustainable shesham wood.

Alpha Decor by Urban Outfitters

A little vague but still a fun idea serif tote by Little Factory.