Archive for September 9th, 2010

September 9, 2010

A Work in Progress: My Studio UPDATE

by Creative Bleed

Believe it or not, progress is being made! Since my last post I have finished unpacking, sorting and organizing the bulk of my studio. There still some odds and ends mainly on the photography side but that’s a whole other can of worms, that will have to wait. But for now most things have found a home!

Using mason jars left over from our wedding I organized all my pens, markers, charcoal, brushes, framing tacks, binding screws and other bits and pieces.

One advantage to converting an old garage into a studio space is that you don’t think twice about hammering a bunch of nails into the wall. Perfect for hanging rulers, tape, wire, string, paint palettes and rolled up uncut negatives.

Still a work in progress but the hardest phase (organizing) is now complete. The real fun begins! K

Need more inspiration for organizing your creative space? Check out these blogs: the Happy Heathen and Threadbanger.