Posts tagged ‘inspiration board’

October 2, 2010

A Work In Progress: My Studio Inspiration Board

by Creative Bleed

The latest progress on my studio has been my Inspiration board. Preexisting was a bulletin board/tool holder that I thought was pretty cool. Of course as soon as I tried to pin something up, I realized the redwood was too hard to easily push a pin through. So 6 coats of magnetic paint and 2 coats of chalkboard paint later…I give you my inspiration board.

The magnetic part is not as strong as I thought it would be (yes, I was kinda expecting my own version of  LOST’s “The Incident” when they drilled a little too deep at SWAN station and everything metal went down the hole including Juliet). Yeah, I know, that would be some serious paint. But there is something about making a wall magnetic that not only makes you replay that episode while your painting but also gets you thinking could I be throwing the planet off it’s axis by a nanometer of a fraction of a smidge.  Anyways… it does work and probably works better on drywall. Both Krylon and RustOleum make it, I used RustOleum which cost about $20 or so for a quart. I used a roller which is recommended and stirred it FOREVER!

TIP: Have it shaken at the paint counter before you leave the store. It will save you 10-15 minutes of continuous stirring when you get home.

I topped it all off with 2 coats of black chalkboard paint. The hard wood is not the easiest or smoothest surface in the world to draw or write with chalk but it will do.

Ok, so what do you think… Should I paint the Redwood? I was thinking white? Anyone in favor, anyone oppose?