Posts tagged ‘Plastic Life’

March 26, 2010

Plastic World

by Creative Bleed

Last weekend we checked out the San Jose Museum of Art. SJMA is one of my favorite museum because of it’s size. It’s the perfect size museum to check out all their exhibits and really enjoy it. It’s also great if you have little ones. They always have a few hands-on exhibits and the small size of the museum holds their attention span. We took our daughter who about 5 and half months. We took her out of the stroller so she could check things out and I think she liked looking at everything, especially the video exhibit New Stories from the Edge of Asia: Plastic Life. Personally I find it slightly painful to watch video installations in museums. I think it because I have the urge to sit in a big comfy chair and snack on butter popcorn. The idea of just standing there for the next 5 to 10 minutes I find agonizing. But I have to say these two artists caught my attention I watched both films all the way through, then I went home and watched them again.

The Soliloquist from Keats on Vimeo.

Click link above to watch animation.

Ma Kuang-Pei The Soliloquist animation caught my eye as I came around the dark corner of the exhibit. Using the sketchbook in his animation drew me in. The textured backgrounds and water colors are beautiful and really set a whimsy mood for loneliness. The way things float and feel weightless coincides with the storyline of loneliness and the void you feel when you lose someone. The Soliloquist illustrates a two dimensional world come to life. I hope to see more from this artist.

Tajin Takeuchi, A Wolf Loves Pork is a stop motion animation created from thousands of still photographs. Created in 2008, it is always great to see someone utilize analog techniques that takes so much time. This animation reminded me of the artist/photographer David Hockney as well as looked like something that would be on Sesame Street. This exhibit runs til September 19 at SJMA.