Posts tagged ‘Sharpies’

March 6, 2010

Homage to the Sharpie

by Creative Bleed
Awesome Dad, Derek Benson uses Sharpies to draw on his kid’s lunch bag.

The Sharpie is one of those objects I would have if I were to be stranded on a deserted island. Not saying I would necessarily bring it along knowingly (although after writing this I probably would), but it would have just found it’s way with me.  Like loose change and paperclips, I find them everywhere at the bottom of my purse, book bag, diaper bag and even my husband’s pockets. They accumulate in the drawers of our home, office, the cracks in the couch and I am sure to find them on the floor of my car. But unlike loose change or paperclips, Sharpies seem to have more value, at least for us anyways. We use them to write, to draw and to fix the scratches in our Ikea furniture. Sharpies are not only an extension of our hands but our brains. Sharpies make brainstorm sessions productive and bring tears during critiques, but making us better designers in the process. It’s the one tool that hasn’t change much and doesn’t take an IT person to fix. And like a pencil, its more than a tool but it’s own medium.

Prom in style! Amy and her date draw their prom get-up with Sharpies.

Sure there are other markers, but they are not like Sharpies. Sharpies are affordable and available almost everywhere: office supply stores, art supply stores, book stores, grocery stores, gas stations, I wouldn’t be surprised if Urban Outfitters sold them. They can be used on every surface such as paper, canvas, photographs, glass, wood, fabric, metal, clay, cement, plastic, fiber glass, etc…just to name a few. They work well with other materials and they can easily be taken anywhere (I’m pretty sure they are still allowed on planes.) They come in different weights and colors, you can recycle them and even personalize them. And if you visit their site you can explore all the beautiful things a Sharpie can do. I know, I sound like a spokesperson for Sharpie. But I am not and I didn’t get paid for this post. Like my Moleskine, Sharpies are another entity in my day to day life as well as many others. This is just simply my homage to the Sharpie…you complete me! K

Cheeming Boey uses styrfoam coffee cups and Sharpies
to make his intricate designs. FYI he goes through a Sharpie every 1-2 days.